Accelerated TMS

Accelerated TMS, also known as 'theta burst', is a 3-minute treatment session that is performed several times a day over just a few days and is often a better treatment option for those traveling longer distance.


The standard TMS therapy treatment protocol, covered by nearly all major insurance plans, is five days per week (Monday - Friday) for approximately 4-6 weeks, followed by a taper of six treatment sessions over a period of an additional 3-weeks.

Each treatment session is 20-minutes in length.


Theta burst TMS therapy (TBS) is a shortened treatment protocol, covered by some insurance plans, can be performed in as little as 3-minutes with several treatments per day over a five day period. TBS is just as effective as the standard TMS treatment protocol, and is often the best option for those living longer distances or perhaps those who find it difficult to attend daily treatment sessions for several weeks.


The repetitive magnetic pulses delivered by the TMS therapy system are similar in strength to magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Our TMS system delivers a non-invasive magnetic stimulation directly to the area of the brain located by the physician. TMS is not considered to be painful, although few patients do complain of 'discomfort' that generally subsides after the first few treatments.

"In just a few days I fought my depression and won with theta burst TMS"
people who have benefited from treatment

What Is aTBS? 

aTBS stands for accelerated theta burst stimulation. aTBS uses a triplet magnetic pulse that enables a completion of treatment in as little as a few days. The duration of an aTBS treatment session is much shorter than a standard treatment, which is referred as rTMS (repetitive).  aTBS can be done in as little as 3 minutes over a period of a few days. Alternatively, rTMS is 19-minute daily treatment over a period of a few weeks.  Both treatments are equally effective.  aTBS was cleared by the FDA for depression in August of 2018, and rTMS was FDA approved in 2008.