
NeuroJust Spravato is an FDA-approved nasal spray, taken in conjunction with an oral antidepressant, for adults suffering with treatment-resistant depression or major depressive disorder with suicidal thoughts or actions. Spravato rapidly reverses symptoms within hours, giving quick relief and hope to people suffering with major
depression. If you are struggling despite treatment with conventional antidepressants and talk therapy, NeuroJust Spravato may be ideal for you.

What is Spravato? 

Spravato contains the drug esketamine, a chemical relative of ketamine. It is a viable treatment option when your depression persists after treatment with at least two traditional antidepressants.  Administered only at certified clinics under the supervision of a physician, Spravato is a breakthrough treatment for depression because it is shown to effectively relieve the symptoms of treatment-resistant depression within hours after
the first dose, as compared to traditional antidepressants which can take several weeks.

Initially, Spravato is administered twice a week for four weeks, followed by once a week for four weeks. After that, the NeuroJust physician will determine a maintenance dose specific for you. The typical maintenance dose is once a week or once every two weeks.

Spravato medicalation logo and image

Learn More About TMS Therapy 

Did you know that depression is the leading cause of disability in the United States among people ages 15 to 44? It’s an all-too-common mental illness, often treated by first-line treatments, such as antidepressants (SSRIs) and various versions of psychotherapy. But, what happens when a patient’s depression is stubborn and first-line treatments fail to take significant hold?

Finding the right medication or therapist can be like rolling the dice time and again. In fact, two-thirds of patients suffering from depression don’t find adequate relief from the first antidepressant they’re prescribed. Sadly, each subsequent medication tried is less likely to help than the one prior. That’s why there are alternative treatments that sit on the cutting-edge of tomorrow’s standard, like TMS Therapy.

TMS, or Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation, Therapy is a noninvasive form of brain stimulation targeted to help depression. All devices used during TMS treatment operate completely outside of the body and affect the central nervous system’s activity by applying powerful magnetic fields to specific areas of the brain involved in the phenomenon of depression. Although there’s no long-term cure to depression, TMS Therapy has been proven to alleviate symptoms— with one-third of patients experiencing remission months after their final TMS treatment.

person taking the medication spravato

Spravato + NeuroJust TMS

Spravato is not meant to be a stand-alone treatment, rather as part of a comprehensive treatment plan under the supervision of your doctor. Used in conjunction with
Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS Therapy), our NeuroJust physician can swiftly treat the symptoms of major depression disorder with Spravato and then focus on the underlying causes of depression in your brain with TMS therapy.

NeuroJust uses TMS therapy to adjust and strengthen under-active areas of your brain known to be linked to depression. TMS is a safe, non-invasive treatment that makes minor neurological adjustments per treatment using magnetic pulses to stimulate and re-engage neural pathways tied to mood control and depression. These minor adjustments result in a major neurological change from the cumulative effects over the adjustments result in a major neurological change from the cumulative effects over the

Benefits of NeuroJust Spravato?

  • Provides Rapid Relief

  • Decreases Suicidal Thoughts

  • Effective Treatment-Resistant Depression

  • Helps the Brain Form New Connections

  • Works as a great combination therapy with TMS Therapy

person taking medication

Learn More About TMS Therapy 

Did you know that depression is the leading cause of disability in the United States among people ages 15 to 44? It’s an all-too-common mental illness, often treated by first-line treatments, such as antidepressants (SSRIs) and various versions of psychotherapy. But, what happens when a patient’s depression is stubborn and first-line treatments fail to take significant hold?

Finding the right medication or therapist can be like rolling the dice time and again. In fact, two-thirds of patients suffering from depression don’t find adequate relief from the first antidepressant they’re prescribed. Sadly, each subsequent medication tried is less likely to help than the one prior. That’s why there are alternative treatments that sit on the cutting-edge of tomorrow’s standard, like TMS Therapy.

TMS, or Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation, Therapy is a noninvasive form of brain stimulation targeted to help depression. All devices used during TMS treatment operate completely outside of the body and affect the central nervous system’s activity by applying powerful magnetic fields to specific areas of the brain involved in the phenomenon of depression. Although there’s no long-term cure to depression, TMS Therapy has been proven to alleviate symptoms— with one-third of patients experiencing remission months after their final TMS treatment.

What TMS does?

  • Eliminates symptoms of depression and anxiety
  • Balances overall mood
  • Reduces ruminating and intrusive thoughts
  • Restores motivation and energy
  • Improves quality of sleep
  • Sharpens focus and concentration
  • Promotes balanced appetite
  • Restores normal brain activity

What TMS Does NOT do?

  • Induce a seizure
  • Cause memory loss
  • Require sedation or disrupt your daily routine
  • Cause brain tumors
  • Induce systemic side effects, such as GI issues, weight gain, sexual dysfunction, constipation, body aches, muscle spasms, sleep disturbances, insomnia, irritability
  • Worsen depression or panic attacks
Woman dancing in the sunlight

What To Expect at NeuroJust

  • Free initial consultation to educate you about TMS Therapy and answer any questions.

  • Evaluation with our in-house psychiatrist to determine if TMS is a good fit.

  • Our insurance experts will initiate a benefits investigation and seek insurance approval on your behalf.

  • Psychiatrist performs a mapping to locate the precise area of the brain to be treated.

  • Daily treatments are performed Monday through Friday for 36 treatments

  • Appointments typically last 30 minutes or less

How do I get started with TMS?

TMS can make a difference in the quality of your life. At NeuroJust, we think TMS therapy should be available to anyone suffering from the debilitating symptoms of depression, anxiety, or other psychiatric conditions. That's why we've made the process easy.

TMS Patient Consultation

The TMS Consultation visit provides us an opportunity to answer any questions you may have about TMS and to collect the necessary information needed to obtain a prior authorization from your health insurance provider so that you may get started with treatment as quickly as possible.

For those who may be just seeking additional information on how TMS works and the benefits of treatment, we welcome you to schedule a free TMS consultation so that we can answer your questions and provide you with the information you need to make well-informed decision about the treatment options available to you for your condition.

patient getting help

Daily Treatment

Upon approval from your insurance, you'll be all set to start your first treatment. We'll ensure your absolute comfort and be sure to answer any additional questions you may have. You'll never be just another patient at NeuroJust, from the moment you walk in our door to long after your treatment.

Your initial session begins with our physician "mapping" (locating) the area for treatment. The first session usually lasts about an hour to customize your treatment plan. Subsequent sessions last about 20-minutes, and you are able to relax, read a book, listen to music or watch videos that help address the source of your depression. Your comfort and recovery from depression is our number one priority.

physician helping patient

Enjoy Your Remission

After approximately 30-36 treatment sessions, you can expect to feel significant relief and/or complete remission from your depressive symptoms. It's now your time to shine and enjoy the freedom from debilitating depressive symptoms. We will set up a scheduled follow-up program and schedule any necessary maintenance treatments that may be needed so that you can maintain your state of remission.

person playing guitar on the beach
Woman dancing in the sunlight

A better quality of life awaits you

  • TMS is covered by health insurance, including Medicare and Tricare
  • Millions of patients have achieved relief from depression with TMS since 2008
  • 82% achieve significant relief from their depression symptoms
  • 59% achieve complete remission from depression
  • No systemic side effects, no downtime, non-invasive
  • 20 minute treatment, freedom from depressive symptoms in just 6-weeks
  • Louisiana’s leading provider of TMS therapy

Understanding TMS therapy

Now is your time to set the rules and be your own mental healthcare advocate.
Lead. Decide. Empower. Heal.

Benefits of TMS Therapy in New Orleans


Unlike medications, TMS therapy has no systemic side effects, such as GI upset, headaches, sexual dysfunction, dry mouth, constipation, weight gain, or increased sleeping problems.


TMS therapy has been shown to be consistently superior to medications in numerous clinical studies since its initial FDA-approval in 2008, with nearly 70% of patients responding favorably to treatment.


Unlike ECT, TMS does not require anesthesia, does not induce a seizure, does not require an electrical 'shock', and does not cause memory loss, muscle spasms, delirium, or psychosis.

I'm Ready to get started with TMS

Get Started

If you are having suicidal thoughts, please contact the national suicide prevention lifeline at 1-800-273-8255.
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Tired of Antidepressants?

Schedule a free consultation in
New Orleans / Metairie

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Baton Rouge