Mental Health Resources
Great resources to help you become your own mental health advocate.
1 in 4 people in the world are affected by a mental health disorder or neurological condition during a lifetime. Mental health is a pandemic itself and depression, anxiety, and stress have escalated due to the COVID-19 outbreak. Sadly, suicide is on the rise, especially with teens and young adults. It's time for change and movement, but no one organization can do this alone. Join us in this mental health movement by becoming aware and supporting our mission to those in need.
"People need to understand that an illness of the brain is no different than an illness of any other bodily organ. When you are hurting, whether mentally or physically, it needs to be addressed."
Depression is more than just feeling down or not having any energy or motivation to do anything. Clinical depression involves a myriad of symptoms that also includes sleeping changes, loss of hope, isolation, irritability, body aches, appetite changes, chronic body aches, and more. When these symptoms persist for greater than two weeks then you may be experiencing clinical depression.
Anxiety is a term used by many, and is very different than just experiencing nervousness, anxiousness, or situational fear. Anxiety disorders don't go away spontaneously and can significantly impact a person's daily life. People with an anxiety disorder experience undesired and intrusive thoughts that cause an increased heart rate, sweating, feelings of panic, and other symptoms.
Sure, we've all heard the phrase, "Don't sweat the small stuff". We all experience stress at various times in our lives. However, for many, stress just doesn't go away and begins to worsen over a period of time. This prolonged stress can lead to conditions such and anxiety and depression. Left untreated, it can have cause worsening problems both mentally and physically for a person.
Mood Disorder
Mood disorder is a classification of a number of conditions, such a various types of bipolar disorder and depressive disorders. These conditions can have a significant impact on a persons life and demand quality care. Symptoms can include moderate to severe depressive symptoms, anxiety, and even manic-like behaviors.
Post Traumatic Stress
PTSD is a disorder than can result after experiencing a traumatic life event, such as war, assault, disaster., or an abusive situation. PTSD can be a challenging disorder to treat because it is often accompanied by symptoms of severe anxiety and depression. Too often, medications and therapy do not work. TMS can help those suffering from PTSD.
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
OCD is a type of anxiety disorder that can severely impact a person's life. When suffering from OCD a person is riddled with obsessive thoughts, ideas, images, accompanied by repetitive and excessive behaviors or compulsions. OCD can create severe symptoms of anxiety and medications are not always effective. TMS can be an effective treatment option for OCD.
Mental Health Apps
#1 app for Sleep, Meditation and Relaxation. Learn the life-changing skill of meditation, get more restful sleep and wake up feeling refreshed, and listen to audio programs taught by world-renowned mindfulness experts.
Keep a diary and capture your day without writing down a single word! Track your daily mood and your activities, and let Daylio do the rest of the work.
VA Mindfulness Coach
Mindfulness Coach was developed to help Veterans and service members to promote the practice of mindfulness. The app provides a gradual, self-guided training program.
Happify helps you to overcome negative thoughts, stress, and life challenges. Whether you're feeling sad, anxious, or stressed, Happify brings you effective tools and programs to help you take control of your feelings and thoughts.
Tips for Good Mental Health
At NeuroJust, our goal is to assist you to live your optimal life. Healthy and feeling good!

Nutrition Tip for Good Mental Health
Tryptophan is an amino acid that is essential in the production of niacin and serotonin, a neurotransmitter in the brain that serves to regulate our mood. Low levels of tryptophan can contribute to depressive symptoms. Tryptophan must be obtained through diet, and is found primarily in animal and plant-based protein sources. Diets low in carbohydrates tend to affect your levels of tryptophan, as carbohydrate-rich foods facilitate the production of this essential amino acid.

Health Tip to Improve Depression
Research indicates that your gut can play a key role in how you feel. Poor gut health can lead to symptoms related to depression. Researchers believe that microorganisms living in your gut (probiotics) play a role in GBA (gut-brain axis) - which produce and express neurotransmitters in the brain that affect mood and sleep habits. Restoring your gut health with a quality probiotic can reduce inflammation and in turns helps with depressive symptoms.

Transform Negative Thoughts Once and For All
There is not a one size fits all for changing negative thoughts patterns. However, those who possess chronic negativity are sure to suffer from a higher incidence of stress, anxiety, and depression. When you perfect mindfulness, becoming mindfully aware of negative thoughts and words, and are able to stop them in their tracks, and replace them with something positive, you will benefit mentally, emotionally, and physically a great deal.

Become Your Own Mental Health Advocate
The most important thing you can do to advocate for good mental health, is to believe in yourself. In fact, research has shown that a primary barrier to self-advocacy is fear of challenging a health care provider. Know your rights, but be honest with yourself and your doctor. Before seeing your health care provider, jot down the questions you want to ask, be on time, bring a family member or friend, and be sure to emphasize the severity and nature of your health concerns or symptoms.